Sunday, July 18, 2010

What is Mother Board

What is Mother Board : Mother Board or Main Board is the biggest logic card in your computer, the name 'mother' occurs because in past it can hold so many daughter card / cards.
मदर बोर्ड क्या है : मदर बोर्ड एक प्रकार का विधुत परिपथ है, यह एक प्रकार का तार्किक (logical) बोर्ड है, भूतकाल में इसपर बहुत से बेटी परिपथ (daughter board) लगते थे इसीलिए इसका नाम मदर बोर्ड पड़ा.

Function of Mother Board : At the present time, Modern Mother Board(s) can Handle -
[1]  Microprocessor (CPU),
[2]  Random Access Memory (RAM),
[3]  Read Only Memory (ROM),
[4]  Catch Memory,
[5]  Graphics Card Slot,
[6]  PCI Slot,
[7]  Onboard LAN Card,
[8]  Wi-Fi (Optional),
[9] Onboard SATA / IDE Interface,
[10] Infra Red

How to Purchase Mother Board :
  1. BRAND ISSUE - First of all go for Reputed Brand / Solidity of Mother Board (Like Intel, AMD, Intel Original, Asus, Giga byte etc.) it is better to consult your dealer before purchasing the Main Board.
  2. CPU Socket - always remember which CPU Socket Board are you purchasing (i.e. what type of cpu supported by your mother board).
  3. Number of Ram Bank(s) - It is better to purchase higher slot memory bank mother board (if you want to see what is memory slot or bank CLICK HERE).

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